First of all, let me point out that tomorrow is December 1st, and that means Ollie is already in his first hiding spot, waiting for our advent adventures to begin. Kirsten and I are going to be...
View Articledear so-and-so.
So a month or two ago I presented my family with an idea that had been stirring around in my brain for a while now. As I was clearing out all the things in my house, I thought, "As thrilling as it is...
View Articlea little love.
Karen and Andrew came to visit.Drew would like to send out a big hug to all his admirers.
View Articlein case you are wondering.
The Christmas letter project was a success. It was lovely seeing all those sweet thoughts written out and placed on the tree at my parents' house. I really, really loved reading the ones addressed to...
View Articlehome.
I love words. I mean, I really really love words.So when I had seen an idea here and there in the blogosphere to leave behind the usual lists of resolutions, and instead to choose a single word or...
View Articlech-ch-ch-changes.
Spring is here! The birds are nesting, and so are we. There have been a lot of things happening around here, but the main one causing all kinds of excitement, work, decision-making, and a general...
View Articlecurses.
Foiled again! Seriously?! This whole process of trying to adopt/foster has been three steps forward, two steps back. Sometimes three or four steps back. Or five. You would think I'd be used to it by...
View Articleoh, the possiblities.
We had a mimosa tree in our yard that I loved for its pretty leaves and flowers, and even more for its climbability. Unfortunately, some bug species did it in last year, and this week it was cut down...
View Articlecamp with the cubbies.
I've spent the week at Cub Scout day camp. A few items of note:1. I'm pretty proud of these caps I made for the boys. They cost me a grand total of $1.40 each, and I love how they came out, even if the...
View Articlea boy lives here.
Boy quote of the day:"What's all that screaming down there?""Just zombies.""Oh. Okay."We have a boy. If you do too, then you really need to read How Do You Tuck in a Superhero? by the lady who brings...
View Articleone of the crazy things i do.
Year after year, for a week out of the summer, this is where you'll find me. Our church holds a camp for girls age 12-18. I always loved it when I was younger, and... I still do. It's really fun to be...
View Articlenine.
I'm not going to write a long, gushing post about how Zach is growing up at the speed of light these days. Suffice it to say... he is. He really, really is.I will say, however, that I love this kid. I...
View Articlea perfect kind of day.
Yesterday was a nice day of play, from one end to the other. We started off at an archaeological fair at the site of a huge American Indian civilization that was right here around 1000 years ago. Way...
View Articlei'm back... with news.
So on the fostering front... after many delays working with the state to get our foster license squared away, our caseworker essentially blew us off, due to the terrible understaffing there. So we...
View Articlefaq. please read.
Congratulations! Are you guys excited?Thank you! Yes, very. And fairly overwhelmed, too.This is a baptism by fire into the foster care system, and into the world of newborns again.Are you sleeping at...
View Articlenew lil' man in our lives.
Don't you just love neices and nephews? My sister's new little guy seemed the perfect way to break back into blogging after a long (but perfectly excusable) hiatus. I'll be back more later (I promise!)...
View Articlehello again.
Still here! It seems like our little family has been drawn inward for the last couple of years, and I've spent less time with friends, whether in person or online. But I miss my blog. I miss those of...
View Articlecostumage.
Here it is, just a few days into November, and I'm already posting Halloween pictures! I am really on the ball. And for the love of flashbacks (or severe procrastination), I'll also share photos from...
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